What is your full name?
Gabriel Michael Donovan.

Have any nick names? If so, what?
Gabe is my only nickname and the name I go by. I have been called worse by various people, though.

When is your birthday?
March 3, 1977.

Where were you born?
I was born in New York City, New York.

Who are your parents?
My father is John and he is a doctor. My mother is Linda and she is a retired nurse. What this meant for me is that I could never fake being sick.

Do you have any siblings?
I have a younger sister, Gillian, and she is a police detective. Basically my family is full of successful people and then there's me.

Where and how were you educated?
I attended Carnegie Mellon University and studied Game Design. I've thought about maybe going back for my Masters but I've never been sure what to study. I got a job right out of college so I never really had the time.

What were you like when you were a kid?
I was the kid that everyone made fun of because I was obsessed with games and Batman and other nerdy things. Nothing much has changed, obviously.

If you could change something about yourself, what would it be & why?
Everything? I'd change a lot about me but mostly my lack of confidence. It holds me back a lot in life. There's a lot of reasons that I am who I am and some days are better than others but. Yeah, my lack of confidence.

Name 5 of the most important things in your life?
My friends, family, Pi (my cat), video games, board games. I have no shame in my last two answers.

What was your worse subject in school?
Gym. I tried to get out of it at any opportunity. Also, I struggled with writing papers in English because my brain works faster than it takes for me to write out my thoughts. It made for my papers to be a complete and total mess.

How often do you really "go out"?
Very rarely, which is awful. I go to work and I come home. I'm not really the most social person so going out isn't part of my routine.

Do you exercise regularly? If so, how often?
Not as regularly as I'd like. I'm looking to change that now that the weather is getting nicer.

Ever been in a physical fight? If yes how many and who were they with?
I was beaten up in school. Does that count?

What is your favorite curse word?
The go to is obviously fuck and I do like that word but I'm also a fan of fuckface.

When you die, would you rather be buried or cremated?
Cremated because then I couldn't come back as a zombie. It'd really suck to die a second time, I think.

What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?
Both are equally hard so I don't think I could possibly decide.

Ever had an imaginary friend as a child?
I had plenty but that's because I didn't really have a whole lot of friends. When that happens you make your own reality.

3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?
Um. My beard? I literally can't name 3.

Current friend that you have known the longest?

Name someone you can tell just about anything to?
Also, Drew.

Your best friend dies, what would you do?
I'd be really distressed for a long period of time and probably go into a deep depression. It wouldn't be pretty at all.

Do you trust easily?
Not really. I'm really guarded and people have let me down in the past so I try not to get attached too easily. It still happens from time to time and it sucks.

Are you a heavy or light sleeper?
I'm an extremely light sleeper. I'm also an insomniac so it usually takes me a super long time to fall asleep and staying asleep is a huge problem. For example, I fell asleep at 3 last night and something woke me up at 4. I fell back to sleep at 5:30.

Have you been told you can sing well more than once? No because if people have heard me sing they'd tell me to never do that ever again.

Imagine. It is a dark night, you are alone, it is raining outside, you hear someone walking around outside your window. Who do you call? (and it can't be the ghostbusters).
Well damn. My answer is still Ghostbusters. #rebel

Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?
I would like to go back to infancy sometimes so I'm going with yes.

If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
Succeeded at failing?

If someone has a mid-life crisis while playing hide and seek, does he automatically lose because he can't find himself?
I think so and I feel like this exact thing is going to happen to me someday.

Why is it that to stop Windows, you have to click on Start? ( I want to point out this question originally said Windows 98 and I groaned...)
Oh god, Windows 98. Not answering the question just Windows 98.

Can you get cornered in a round room?
If there are enough people around you, I'm sure you could.

What is your favorite video game?
This is such a hard question for me and you know it. I will always hold a soft spot in my heart for Super Mario Bros. I just can't quit the nostaglia factor there.

What is your favorite board game?
Oh dude. Probably Settlers of Catan. I also recently played the game Cacao and had a really fun time. I could go on and on.

What is your favorite nerdy franchise?
Is Star Wars still considered to be nerdy? I feel like it's blown up in the most ridiculous way so if that's the case, Star Trek.

What is something you can't stop geeking about?
Everything? I'm always going to be a huge geek over video games and board games. They are my escape and the one thing that keeps going in life.

What is something you love with all your heart?
See above answer.

Why did you get a cat?
I was lonely and imaginary friends are frowned upon after a certain age. So I got a cat because I am a lonely dude who wanted something around when I got home from work. God, I am so lame.

Why didn't you name it like "Super Pussy" or something?
Because you convinced me that Pi would be an awesome name. And it would be awkward if I posted pictures of her on Instagram with the name Super Pussy.

Why is your beard so amazing?
Because it's made of magic and unicorns. I don't know.

Why can't I get a beard like yours?
Dude, your beard is coming along really nicely. You are competing with me in the beard department.

What kind of girl are you looking for? Can we set you up on another blind date?
I'm looking for a girl who is intelligent and passionate about something. Somone who isn't afraid to be themselves and who isn't afraid of my extremely nerdy side. It wouldn't hurt if she played video and board games, as well. And yeah, I guess. I should be dating because my mother is on my case about this constantly.

What's your favorite song?
Creep by Radiohead speaks to me on a personal level.

Do you hate me yet?
I could never hate you, Drew.

When are we having another gaming marathon?
Whenever you want.

When do you wanna play Overwatch with me?
You should always know the answer is WHENEVER. BECAUSE SERIOUSLY, WHENEVER.

What character class will you play in Overwatch?
Probably Reaper because he looks BADASS.

I'd like the point out this is in all caps. And I'm not awesome but thank you for saying it, Drew.

Did Drew ask you 127 questions, too?
He did but I didn't answer all of them. Sorry, Drew.

Also, are you excited for cat armor?
I AM. And I think Pi is excited about it too.

I'll be back with real, relevant questions once I'm not a blob on my couch.
I just wanted to point out that you didn't return to ask more questions and that hurts, Tara.

on a scale from 1-10, what are you a definite 10 at?
I am a definite 10 at video games? And even then, I'm somewhere between a 7-10, depending on the game.

what movie in your opinion depicts love in the most realistic way?
Is there a movie where the nerd doesn't get the girl? Pretty in Pink? Did Molly Ringwald chose Jon Cryer at the end? I don't even know, it's been too long since I've seen that movie.

what is your own favorite personality trait and why?
I can be funny? I am awful at questions like this because my self-esteem is a shithead and fuckface sometimes.

if you wrote a book rebuilding friendships, what would the first chapter be called?
First of all, I would never write a book. But maybe Coding Your Friendship? I'm so lame.

what do you get complimented on the most?
My beard, probably.

pitch a reality show about your life.
I would have the most boring reality show ever. It would be me going to work, playing games and snuggling with my cat. Also, throw in an awkward date occasionally. People wouldn't want to watch that.

name something that you refuse to do alone.
Um. I do most everything alone so I don't know.

would you like to ever go bowling again with me?
Absolutely! I had a blast the last time!

If you were to invent your own tabletop game, what would the basic premise and goal be?
It would probably be a sort of RPG game where you were stuck inside of a video game and suddenly became typical video game architypes and had to find a way to escape the game. So you'd be a version of whatever character you came up with, applied with video game architypes. It might be convoluted but I think it could be interesting.